Theology 101

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The Book of Esther

The Book of Esther is primarily a book of the history of the Jews around the time of the return of the Jews to the land under Ezra. But… what in the world does it have to do with us today…?

Esther's life was very similar to ours in that it was full of trials, tribulations, difficulties, and problems. Esther also had to deal with the “deafening silence” of God when she was anxious, worried, and even concerned for her life (Est 4.10-13, 16).

Esther lived during a time when her entire world was governed by godless pagans… and God's people were basically apathetic and indifferent to God's plan (most of the Jew chose not to return to the land!).

But Esther chose to trust God. She chose to get involved in God's plan, even at the risk of her own life and comfort (she chose to sacrifice her comfort and provision as queen in order to make a difference).

Esther is a book about God's providential care of His people. Even though we may not see God in the daily circumstances of our lives, if we will trust Him and follow His plan, we will see Him providentially lead to victory in Christ (victory in fulfilling our life's mission).

ot2_history.1587308364.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/19 14:59 by gregkedro